7 Common Signs You Need Same-Day Hearing Aid Fixes in Arlington

Same-Day Hearing Aid Fixes in Arlington

Does it seem like your hearing aids aren’t working as well as they used to? If you’re struggling to hear even when your devices are in place and turned on, it might be time for some same-day hearing aid fixes in Arlington. Here are seven common signs that your hearing aids need a little TLC to get back to their best.

See a Professional for Same-Day Hearing Aid Fixes in Arlington for These 7 Signs

 1. You Find Yourself Constantly Adjusting the Volume

One of the first signs that you might need hearing aid repair is if you constantly find yourself adjusting the volume. If you’re turning the volume up and still struggling to hear, or if you have to turn it down because sounds are too loud, it could indicate an issue with the device’s internal components.

Wear and tear over time affects the functionality of your hearing aids, making them less reliable.

2. You Hear Feedback and / or Whistling Sounds

If you’re hearing feedback or a constant whistling noise from your devices, it’s a clear sign that something is off. Feedback can be caused by a poor fit, a buildup of earwax, or malfunctioning internal parts. This issue not only affects your ability to hear but can also be quite annoying.

3. The Sound Is Distorted or Muffled

When your hearing aids start to produce distorted or muffled sounds, it’s time for a check up. This distortion can result from moisture damage, broken components, or a clogged microphone or receiver.

Cleaning your devices regularly helps to avoid this issue. If it persists after cleaning, professional repair might be necessary to ensure you’re getting the best sound quality.

4. There Is Physical Damage to a Device

Notice any cracks, loose parts, or other visible damage to your hearing aids? Physical damage can significantly impact their performance. Even minor cracks can let in moisture and dust, leading to further internal damage.

If you spot any physical issues, don’t wait to get same-day hearing aid fixes in Arlington to prevent further problems.

5. The Battery Life Is Shorter Than Usual

A decrease in battery life is frustrating. If you find that your hearing aid batteries are dying much quicker than usual, it could indicate a problem with the device’s circuitry. While replacing the battery is a quick fix, consistently short battery life suggests that your hearing aids need professional attention.

6. You’re Having Connectivity Issues

If your devices allow you to link to smartphones, TVs, and other devices via Bluetooth and you’re having trouble maintaining a stable connection, that needs to be addressed. A repair specialist can help troubleshoot and resolve these connectivity problems.

7. They’re Just Not Working Right

Sometimes, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, but you know your hearing aids just aren’t working like they should. If you’re not hearing as well as you used to, or if your devices seem to be acting up in ways you can’t quite describe, it’s a good idea to have them checked out.

A hearing aid repair specialist can diagnose the issue and get your hearing aids back in top shape.

For Quick and Reliable Hearing Aid Repair, Turn to ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery

If you’re experiencing any of the issues above, don’t hesitate to get your hearing aids checked out. At ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer hearing repair to ensure you’re never without the ability to hear clearly.

Our experienced team provides quick, effective service to repair your devices or help you pick out replacements if they can’t be fixed.

Call 703-448-0005 to book your consultation today for hearing services and see why so many patients trust us with their hearing health.